


Articles on the Kosovo Conflict




James George Jatras, true name Dimitrios Iatreidis:

(See comments at )

James Jatras a speaker at SUC events and advisor to Senator Larry Craig (R-Idaho) and the GOP Senate Policy Committee who has written anti-Muslim hate literature categorizing Islam as a
"Christian Killing Machine," reviling the Qur'an, and speaking of Islam as the outgrowth of "Heathen Araby."
James George Jatras, apparently an Orthodox extremist, once called Michael Dukakis a "pagan" for not following the Orthodox church on abortion and attacked him for marrying a non-Christian, although he insisted he was not being anti-Semitic. (His open letter is on file at Northeastern University.) This former GOP Senate aide is also the author of an anti-Muslim screed in Chronicles magazine and The Christian Activist that calls Islam a "gigantic Christian-killing machine" and says the religion grew from "the darkness of heathen Araby." He was also the keynote speaker at the 9th Serbian Unity Congress.
[See also The Nation, June 11, 1988, page 814, Christopher Hitchens column.)

Chronicles magazine, which published Jatras' rantings, is also cited by the film in support of its claim that Muslims blew up their own people to arouse international sympathy, and it is connected not only directly to the Bosnian Serbs but also to white Southern neo-Confederacy groups. The magazine is run by Thomas Fleming, who rose to prominence as an opponent of school desegregation in Rockford, Ill., and became a founding member of the right-wing neo-Confederacy group League of the South. Its foreign-affairs editor is Srdja Trifkovic, formerly the official spokesman for Radovan Karadzic and the Bosnian Serb government and a source whom Mr. Bogdanich interviewed for the film but apparently decided not to use.

[See offoffoff review of YUGOSLAVIA, THE AVOIDABLE WAR]

Any experienced journalist should be able to recognize the hack job that's being done here. These jokers weren't chosen
because they're the most authoritative sources on the subject or because they represent two different sides of an argument.
They were chosen because they are the fringe — the only ones going around exonerating the Serbs of responsibility for
their murderous campaigns. If the subject were the Nazi Holocaust, we would easily recognize them as the deniers.

Jatras testified for Milosevic Sept 2004 -  Judith A. - IWPR

The Venable Law Firm Contract with the Serbian National Council of Kosovo and Metohija

On April 24, 2006, in the Capitol Hill newspaper Roll Call and on May 1 in the “Full Disclosure: New and Notes from K Street” section of the Legal Times, the first reports appeared that Venable, LLP, one of the premiere law-lobbying firms in Washington, had "inked a deal in March with the Serbian National Council of Kosovo and Metohija , a group representing displaced Serbs whoremained in Kosovo after the 1999 NATO intervention.” Both papers said that Venable would receive US$600,000 over a six-month period for providing the group “with strategic tactical planning on foreign policy matters before the U.S. government.” The announcement in Roll Call indicated that Venable would receive an additional $100,000 per month if the contract were extended.

On inspection, the contract filed on March 22, 2006, with the U.S. Department of Justice, under the Foreign Agents Registration Act, between Venable and the Serbian National Council of Kosovo and Metohija, c/o Abbot Simeon (Vllovksi) at the Banjska Monastery, is signed by James Jatras, and includes the following points: The arrangement encompasses “providing strategic counsel and tactical planning on foreign policy matters before the U.S. Government (Executive and Legislative branches) and related media work.” Venable’s services to the Serbian National Council “will include those of the media service, Global Strategic Communications Group (GSCG), acting at Venable’s direction to include media preparation and outreach, assistance in crafting policy statements, op-ed and editorial placements, electronic information stream, media monitoring, formation and administration of an American policy council, crafting and placement of paid media, and reporting and advice.”

“Media preparation and outreach”: Venable’s Principal Offering to Belgrade

Associated Press:

On April 14, just a few weeks after the Serbian National Council signed its contract with James Jatras at Venable, David Hammer of the Associated Press released an article on AP’s “Worldstream,” entitled “Serbia wants U.S. Congress to help put brakes on Kosovo’s independence.” The article stated that Serbia was “urging the U.S. House of Representatives to follow the Senate’s lead and say that the breakaway province of Kosovo is not now ready for independence.” Albanian journalists in the Balkans reacted negatively to the description of Kosova as a “breakaway province,” in view of the fact that Kosova was annexed by Serbia after World War I. Meanwhile, the Associated Press failed to comment on the fact that the Congressional resolution introduced by Congressman Steve Chabot (R-OH) in December 2005 (H.Res. 634), in support of S.R. 237, introduced by Senator George Voinovich (D-OH), had been ignored by the House Committee on International Relations, where the leaders, Congressmen Tom Lantos and Henry Hyde, had earlier introduced H.Res. 24, which calls on the United States to recognize Kosova’s independence now.

In the AP article, Vuc Jeremic, Serbian President Boris Tadic’s chief foreign affairs adviser, was quoted as saying that, “Congress could provide important political cover for Serbia’s centrist coalition leadership if it would emphasize Kosovo’s failures to meet the requirements for independence [emphases mine].” But this is not what has happened. In May 2006, the United Nations Mission in Kosova publicly stated that the Kosovar government was meeting its obligations under the plan of standards implementation. Meanwhile, the international mediators in the Prishtina-Belgrade talks announced that they would begin to lay the groundwork for final status talks later this summer.


James Jatras—Venable’s Representative for the Serbian National Council

James Jatras, a Greek American with a long history of pro-Eastern Orthodox and anti-Muslim activism in the Balkans and formerly senior foreign policy analyst for the U.S. Senate Republican Policy Committee (1998-2002), signed the agreement between Venable and the Serbian National Council of Kosovo and Metohija (SNV) on March 22, 2006. Far from being a neutral observer of Balkan affairs, Jatras is a paid lobbyist for the SNV and an Orthodox extremist with deep connections to the Serbian Unity Congress. Jatras has written numerous articles aimed at warning Americans about the threat of militant Islam in Southeast Europe, several of which appear in a magazine connected to Bosnian Serb groups called Chronicles. (Srdja Trifkovic, Chronicles’ foreign affairs editor, was formerly the official spokesperson for indicted war criminal Radovan Karadzic.) Jatras was the keynote speaker at the 9th Serbian Unity Congress and a principal in the Serbian-American-made propaganda film, Yugoslavia: The Avoidable War” produced and directed by George Bogdanich. And during the Kosova war, it was Jatras, in his capacity as senior foreign policy analyst for the U.S. Senate Republican Policy Committee, who commissioned and circulated Yossef Bodansky’s outrageously spurious report in the House and Senate, entitled “Kosovo: The U.S. and Iran’s New Balkan Front,” in an effort to block Congressional support for intervention in Serbia’s war against Kosova and to discredit the Kosova Liberation Army.

The Baltimore Sun—Misrepresenting the Kosovar Serbs

On May 10, an article by Christopher Deliso, entitled “Botched Kosovo intervention dims hopes for peace,” appeared in The Baltimore Sun. Whether Deliso, an American freelance journalist who runs out of Skopje, Macedonia, is connected with the Jatras/Venable contract is not known. Nevertheless, Deliso clearly identifies with the Serbian lobby’s frenzy to undercut final status resolution in Kosova by painting Kosovar Serbs as a community under siege who “will flee as nationalist militants remobilize to purge Serbs and annex Albanian inhabited areas of Macedonia and Montenegro,” as soon as Kosova becomes independent. The truth is that most of Kosova’s Serbs, like Kosovar Albanians, simply want to live in peace. Walk through the streets of Gjilan today, for example, and you will see Albanian women purchasing goods from Serbian women in an outdoor market. As the international community has made clear since the negotiations between Prishtina and Belgrade commenced this winter, it is Serbia, not Kosovar Albanians, that is obstructing the integration of Kosova’s Serbs into Kosovar society. The NATO troops who will remain in Kosova after final status resolution to monitor protection of minority rights will discover that independence is the key, not the obstacle, to peaceful coexistence among ethnic groups.



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